Nuntium.AI supports product, technology, and innovation management in staying well-informed within rapidly evolving market and technology sectors. The software enables structured monitoring of technological and market developments. With AI analysis tools, it simplifies the identification of new players and trend analysis for employees. Nuntium.AI ensures the targeted distribution of this valuable information across the entire organization.
Structured monitoring of technology and market developments
Gain insights through systematic tracking of industry trends and innovations to stay ahead of the curve.
Trend identification and analysis
Spot emerging trends early with detailed analysis to make informed product and market decisions.
Targeted information distribution within the company
Ensure the right stakeholders receive relevant information tailored to their needs, enhancing communication efficiency.
The strategic product management team of a leading machinery manufacturer uses Nuntium.AI to monitor over 120 relevant competitors, trade magazines, and research clusters worldwide, in 15 different languages. The collected information is distributed weekly through tailored reports to various departments across the company. The sales team for example, receives tech and industry news related to their customers. Additionally, a curated weekly news report is shared within an innovation community of several hundred employees, branded in the company’s own corporate identity (CI).
The research strategy department of a leading energy company uses Nuntium.AI to continuously track current technical developments in the battery storage market across more than 70 research clusters, industry portals, and market leaders. Automatically generated reports keep experts consistently informed, helping them stay ahead of technological advancements expected over the next 10-15 years.